Your perfect hair

I would run my hand through your hair so fair
golden rays of the sun shine on your skin
in this moment, nothing else can compare
I drink the sweetness of your lips, my sin.

Your shuddering breath merges with my own
a symphony of love, a perfect blend
in your embrace, I feel fully grown
my heart, to you, forever do I lend.

Each day with you is like a dream come true
I cherish every moment, every glance
with you, my love, I feel brand new.

Together, we create our own romance
so let me hold you close, my dear
in this love, there's nothing to fear.

Tomaž Jevšenak


20. 05. 2024 ob 09:12

"so let me hold you close, my dear

in this love, there's nothing to fear."

za poljubit :)


Tomaž Jevšenak

20. 05. 2024 ob 16:59

ampak vseeno nisem čisto zadovoljen s koncem, kot da mi nekaj manjka


Komentiranje je zaprto!

Tomaž Jevšenak
Napisal/a: Tomaž Jevšenak


  • 19. 05. 2024 ob 20:49
  • Prebrano 80 krat

Uredniško pregledano.
